Our vision is to create a platform that offers and facilitates practical, personal transformative training for Church leaders, empowering them to reach their full potential. We will achieve this by offering Church Leaders professional skills development courses and SAQA-registered qualifications to equip themselves and leaders within their immediate faith community
The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as a Christian Religious Professional. A Christian Religious Professional directs and conducts the ministry functions in a faith community to facilitate spiritual formation; nurture fellowship and mutual care within the faith community; helps members to develop a Christian lifestyle; provides strategic leadership that leads to obedience to vocation as well as well-being and sustainability of the faith community, and develops a missional practise that shares the good news of Jesus Christ and serves the holistic well-being of the entire community.
We do formal accredited Counselling training ( Occupational Certificate: Social Counseling Worker NQF Level 05, SAQA). The qualification enables you to do social / Christian counselling and register with The Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counsellors (CPSC) (www.cpsc.org.za), a professional body for counsellors in South Africa. The program contains 30 credits of Knowledge modules (300 hours theoretical), 48 credits practical (480 hours practical) and 65 credits workplace (650 hours workplace experience). The theoretical modules are presented in a weekly class in person or by Zoom. A Facilitator is assigned to you who will guide you through the theoretical, practical and workplace. There are three theoretical modules, four practical and four workplace modules that must be completed before final exams.
In this qualification you will be taught the fundamental and practical principles of being in the full time ministry. You will be exposed to all the relevant modules which contains, Biblical, Theological and practical knowledge of being a religious worker in the context of a Christian Church.
The course will then focus on the practice of Leading Worship of which the tasks and the role of the worship pastor, the theology and history of worship in the Christian Church, the principles of song selection, growing a healthy team, music arrangement and song writing are some of the elements.
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