Ministry plus wants to empower leaders to lead better and healthier worship teams. Our resource centre will include helpful tools like inspirational articles on worship, charts and multi-tracks of well-known worship songs to help your worship team grow as the leader grows.
Preparation = Freedom
The More We Are Prepared, The More Freedom We Have
The word preparation is linked to the notion that some task is about to follow. The only reason that preparation happens is because some future action needs prior attention. Usually, the more time is spent in preparation, the better the outcome of the task or action and the opposite is also true.
In the world of church, a pastor prepares for a Sunday sermon and the worship-leader prepares for a Sunday service. We don’t only prepare to accomplish a task, but to fulfil a calling in worshipping God to the best of our ability and to lead the congregation in a deep and meaningful time of worshipping God. We are charged with the responsibility to steward God’s presence and let the Holy Spirit lead us, but if we are ill prepared, we are bad stewards that limits what God wants to do. Our chord charts on stage quickly become limiting factors because we are lost without it. Unexpected technical issues catch us off-guard and distracts our experience in connecting to God. Proper preparation will not only cause more stability in technical and musical demands, but enable the worshipper to release the focus of the technical part of worship and experience a natural atmosphere of worship that is conducive to a God-connecting experience for all.
In other words, the more prepared you are, the more freedom you have to ‘not focus’ on the things that limit you. Rather be overprepared and experience breathing room. Then even if you receive last minute changes, you won’t be caught off-guard. Being prepared reflects that you are a good steward.
Multi-tracks is a form of backing music that helps and strengthens the band during the worship service. It is played from a device such as an iPad or Laptop and can turn different instrument parts of the song either on or off.
This allows a team to quickly turn ‘on’ the drums on the tracks if the drummer suddenly falls ill and allows them to turn ‘off’ the instruments not needed on the backing tracks.
It also includes a click track and band cues to help the band keep time and know which section is next in the song like verse or chorus.
The multi-tracks are played through an app like PRIME ( or Multi-tracks ( The whole setlist can be loaded in the correct order and flow between songs with transitions that can be pre-selected (like stopping or crossfading).
The worship team can also practice on their own by downloading and installing the app on their own devices.
This is an empowering tool and easy to use.
The library of songs can be expanded by purchasing songs on platforms like and You will also be able to find a good selection of Afrikaans multi-tracks at Ministry plus’s resource center.
Empowering worship teams is our passion. We enable teams to excel in areas like technical skills, musical skills, arrangement skills, vocal development skills, team health and songwriting. We understand the draining issues that sometimes limit the church and therefore passionately pursue ways that help each worship team to grow and improve spiritual and emotional health.
Worship Workshops are presented by Stass through WORSHIP Plus, which has partnered with Ministry Plus to empower churches. This partnership benefits the Ministry Plus members to receive a discount on the workshop fees.