Caring for and equipping pastors for effective ministry

 Your go-to support and ministry resource website

Welcome to our ministry resource website for pastors! Our goal is to provide you with the tools and resources you need to lead your congregation and minister effectively to those in your care. Whether you are a new pastor or have been serving for many years, we hope you will find valuable information here to help you in your ministry.

It’s important to create a safe and confidential space where pastors can share their struggles, concerns, and challenges without fear of judgment or condemnation. Ultimately, a successful pastoral care network requires a commitment to building relationships based on compassion, trust, and respect.


Inspire, empower, guide, motivate, influence, achieve

Pastoral Ministry

Caring, guiding, nurturing, teaching, supporting,


Prayerful reverence, praise, and spiritual devotion


Spreading faith through passionate word-of-mouth in love

Youth Ministry

Nurturing faith, guiding young hearts, creating community

Children Ministry

Empower to shine brightly and make a positive difference


Building skills, knowledge, and limitless potential to serve

Admin & Tech

Efficiency amplified, tasks streamlined and productive

Pastoral Wellness

A balanced and fulfilling life in ministry

Join Our NeTWORK

Unlock your potential, connect with visionaries, and empower change. Join the Ministry Plus Network today!