
What is the origin of MINISTRY PLUS?

Ministry Plus is an initiative of numerous Christian churches with the goal of forming a network and providing leadership, development, and resources to the local church for growth and impact.


Ministry Plus is a South African interdependent network of Pentecostal, Evangelical, and Charismatic churches founded by Collage Community Church, Lewende Woord Centurion and Brummeria, Metamorphe Church Witbank, and other churches.

What is the focus of MINISTRY PLUS?

The mission of Ministry Plus is to provide opportunities for pastors to be cared for and equipped for effective ministry in nine areas: leadership, pastoral wellness, evangelism and outreach, children’s ministry, youth ministry, technical and administrative support, worship and training.

How does MINISTRY PLUS function?

Ministry Plus operates as a network based on relationships and accountability, with quarterly equipment assemblies and regular small gatherings of pastors supporting one another. Pastors can also subscribe to resources and use the assistance provided in some of the nine main areas.

Is MINISTRY PLUS for individuals or for congregations / churches?

A person can only subscribe to Ministry Plus if their local church or para-church organization supports them. The major connecting component is Ministry in the Local Church, hence the individual must be actively involved in ministry.

What are the benefits from MINISTRY PLUS for me and/or my congregation?

There are a lot of benefits not limited by subscribing:

  • Equipment
  • Support
  • Development
  • Training
  • Resources
  • Connection with other leaders in the same focus areas
What are the types of services that MINISTRY PLUS can deliver?

There are a lot of benefits not limited by subscribing:

  • Equipment
  • Support
  • Development
  • Training
  • Resources
  • Connection with other leaders in the same focus areas
Can I expect support from MINISTRY PLUS?

Only subscribed members can expect ministerial assistance. Pastors who are not subscribed members of Ministry Plus may attend some meetings as friends of Ministry Plus. Contributions through relationships and assets are critical for Ministry Plus to be a really successful and sustainable Network.

What are the prerequisites for me or/and my congregation to be accepted as part of MINISTRY PLUS?
  • We do expect a pastor of a congregation or organization to provide input, which may take the form of providing time or experience to help other pastors.
  • We do expect pastors to connect with our organization, make a monthly payment, or share resources with other churches in order to fulfil their roles.
  • We do expect Pastors to attend meetings regularly and engage in learning community events.
Are there any costs involved in joining MINISTRY PLUS?

At this time, there are no required fees, however we do anticipate some sort of contribution in order to make ministry Plus financially sustainable.